Cancellation policy
Here you can read about our cancellation policy for those who have made a booking with arrival during April 30 - May 30 at Copperhill Mountain Lodge.
To avoid cancellation, prepayment needs to be made 14 days before arrival. Payment is made by credit card where you log in to the self service portal according to your confirmation, see pin code here on the left and click directly on the link.
You can also pay by bank giro: 443-6861 . When paying by bank giro please refer to your booking number under notice.
When paying with a gift card, the gift card number must be provided at the time of booking and the gift card must be provided at the reception upon arrival. The validity period of the gift card shall be valid for the duration of the stay.
Cancellation insurance:
Copperhill Mountain Lodge offers personal cancellation insurance for individual bookings. The price for cancellation insurance is 450 SEK/room including VAT. Please note, if the cancellation insurance is to apply, cancellation insurance must be paid at the same time as the first payment. Cancellation insurance is per room.
Cancellations with cancellation insurance (for everyone in the room) – must be ordered at the time of booking:
Cancellation up to 14 days before arrival is free of charge. In case of cancellation after 14 days, everything except for the insurance fee and a handling fee of 500 SEK will be refunded.
Cancellation without cancellation insurance:
Cancellation before 13 days pre arrival is free of charge. In case of cancellation later than 14 days, full charge will be payable.
If you have booked a treatment, these can be cancelled or rebooked free of charge no later than 24 hours before the scheduled duration of treatment.
Force Majeure
Strike, lockout, fire, pandemic, explosion, war or similar state of war, material restrictions on deliveries or other circumstances beyond the supplier's control, entitles the supplier to terminate the contract without obligation to issue damages
You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Contact us by phone +46 (0)647-143 00 or email